When I wrote "The Seven C's of Employee Engagement," I led with Customer Capability. Here's the reference: C ustomer C apability may be the most important and yet most over-looked "C". Employees must be proud of their product and/or service and how it enables customer success. Ask employees to design, sell, make, deliver, service or bill for products or services that are a poor value for their customer, and over time they will offer less and less of their discretionary effort. I promised to write more about this later. So, here it is. How many times have we heard in sports that " winning cures what ails a team ?" In basketball, the Miami Heat's LeBron James, Dwayne Wade and Eric Spoelstra (the coach ) seemed to struggle to get along during the season. With those struggles was a sense that, together, they simply did not appear to make each other better. Then came the NBA playoffs and a first round serie...